Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Windsor Castle in England

I was talking tonight with my HB while we were watching TV. I told him that time truly pass-by so quickly. I also mentioned that next week comes March already. It's more than a year also that I visited Warwick Castle in England. You can see the exact date when I saw this marvelous castle in the picture above. It was truly stupefying! I also wish to share a travel tip for you. Always bring with you some medicines or tablets especially pain relievers when traveling. You don't know when you experience headache or toothache anytime during your travel. Both pains already happened to me but toothache is the worst one. You might not visit a dentist immediately for check-up.

Lastly I took the photo above at the main entrance where the visitors always enter when visiting the castle. This is such an amazing architecture and how the British government preserved it. Don't you know that Windsor Castle is the biggest occupied castle in the world? Yes it is! I guess that's all for now. Good evening folks!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Visit to Walhalla, The Parthenon in Bayern, Germany

You might be thinking that only Greece has a Parthenon. Germany has also one. This is the so-called Walhalla which is the hall of fame of famous and distinguished German people in history. I have been to this place for three time already and still want to come back. I wish to share more pictures from the inside next time. I still need to search for it in my picture folder.
taken during my visit in Feb. 2008

The Walhalla is a hall of fame for "laudable and distinguished Germans" resp. "famous personalities in German history – politicians, sovereigns, scientists and artists" "of the German tongue"[1], housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River east of Regensburg, in Bavaria, Germany. It was conceived in 1807 by Crown Prince Ludwig I of Bavaria, when he had become King, and was built between 1830 and 1842 by the architect Leo von Klenze. The Walhalla hosts about 65 placques and 130 busts of persons, covering 2000 years of history; as the oldest person honored is Arminius, victor in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in the year 9.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Goodnight Europe

I don't know what is happening now because I can't upload some pictures here. I guess it is time for me to bid goodbye online. I am quite sleepy now after a long day of doing some things. I just wish everyone a stress-free and wonderful weekend. I believed most of you will spend it with your family or friends. Goodnight Europe! Good morning Philippines!

Another highlight I want to share is about a certain weight loss program. My dear sister in Las Vegas already gained extra pounds since she lived there for almost three years now. She and her husband are trying to lose weight now. I believed they need a very effective weight loss program to achieve their plan. I am joining them. I also want to make more research about this.

Passing by at Linz, Austria

I really did not go around Linz in Austria. We just had a short stop-over here last June 2007 during my adventure with a friend. We don't have much time to go around the city because we need to catch up the next train going to Vienna, Austria. At least I saw a little bit of Linz. Hopefully, I can go back in this city next time.
photo taken at the Bahnhof or train station in Linz, Austria

Linz is the third largest city of Austria and capital of the state of Upper Austria (German: Oberösterreich). It is located in the north centre of Austria, approximately 30 km south of the Czech border, on both sides of the river Danube. The population of the city itself is 189,343 (2007), and 271,000 in the Greater Linz conurbation.

View of the Big Ben and Parliament from London Eye

I can't imagine how time passed-by so quickly. Last Sunday, I just arrived from a three-months vacation from the Philippines. In 2009, I had the chance to visit England for three weeks. The photo above is an evidence during my visit in England. I miss my friends from this place. I took this picture while I was riding London Eye. You can see the Parliament, the Big Ben, River Thames and a part of the city of London. I am still hoping to be backed here next time. I am just sharing this photo for you to see. I have to read and visit a site about phentermine reviews. I hope to get helpful information from this topic since I want to lose weight soon. I'll see you later again. Feel free to visit my other sites for more updates. Have a lovely weekend too!

p.s. sorry guys the picture is not so clear. My other canon camera was broke that time. The compact camera I used is not so good.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Overlooking Beilgries in Bavaria, Germany

Let's go a little sightseeing on top of the hill. This time we will visit Beilngries.
It is a town in the district of Eichstaett, in Bavaria, Germany. It is situated on the river Altmuehl and the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, 30 km north of Ingolstadt. I am very sure you see how beautiful is the landscape in this place. If I have to go walking right from the town of Beilngries to the top of the hill where I am standing in the picture, for sure I don't need to take a nutrisystem. Just enjoy watching the scenery here! I'm taking a short break to take my dinner. Have a great evening!

Passing-by at Burglengenfeld Castle in Bavaria, Germany

We went to this town yesterday to buy pellets for our heater. We are currently using electric heater and pellets oven to keep the house warm. HB said that since he live in Hohenfels for around 25 years now, this is the first time he experience the tremendous cold and snow during winter time. You can at the image below the tower of Burglengenfeld castle. The tower of St. Vitus Church is also visible in the picture. I can't remember exactly how many did I already visit this town. Probably around hundred times since I live in Germany. This town is around 20 minutes drive from where we live. Here is the photo I took personally.
Burglengenfeld is situated in the district of Schwandorf, in the state of Bavaria on the Naab River. The castle is relatively recent, compared to European standards. It was constructed during the 18th century by a noble family and is today used as a home for special needs children.

Winter Trip in Gut Aiderbichl, Austria

I remembered something told by some friends from the Philippines. They said that they want to experience snow there. I told them that never ever dream about it in the Philippines because snow time is really very very cold. Anyway back to the main topic. Have you experience having a winter trip? I believed there are a lot of people who go for skiing or simply go for a winter holiday to enjoy this season of the year. I had a winter trip last year with a friend in Austria. One of the places we visited was Gut Aiderbichl. Feel free to browse my labels here for more pictures from this place. This place is a haven for animals from different countries in the world.

Another highlight for today is about natural fat burner. This is what I have been looking for to eliminate my excess fat. I can't imagine how much fat I gained in almost seven years of living in Europe. I need to discipline myself to stay healthy and fit all the time. To all friends in winter lands, stay warm all the time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fasching or Carnival in Germany

Today is the last day of the Fasching or Carnival in Germany. I guess it is also the same in other countries who are celebrating it. Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday is obviously the last day of this festival. I even saw a lot of people wearing different costumes with make-ups on their faces in Neumarkt this morning. I am sharing some photos below. This was taken during the Chinese Carnival in Dietfurt last year. Sad to say I was not able to witness it this year because I was still on vacation.

Reminder also for tonight for those who want to buy diet pills, be sure to get the most effective one in the market. I want to consult first our doctor before using it. Goodnight guys. I am feeling very sleepy right now. I guess I am still trying to adjust to the time and weather here in Europe.
Chinese Fasching in Dietfurt in Bavaria, Germany. I personally took these pictures last year.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cold Freezing Winter in Germany

My husband had been telling me about the weather in Germany while I was still on vacation in the Philippines. He said that since 25 years that he live in our place now, this is the first time that it is always snowing so hard. Can you imagine a very high file of snow outside our house now? I forgot to take a picture of my husband's car which was already covered with snow. He was using my car when I was away on vacation. I am also trying to adjust to the weather right now. I hope that I will also feel better after being caught by bad cough during my vacation. Sometimes when it is very cold, we feel that our face is getting some wrinkles. I gave my anti wrinkle lotion to my sister before I flew back to Germany last Saturday. I need to buy a new one tomorrow when we go for grocery shopping. I also need to visit our doctor for some medical check-up. I hope my bad cough will be away soon. The picture above was taken yesterday in one of the small villages we happened to pass-by while on our way home from the airport. I guess you can imagine now how cold our weather is. Better star warm all the time when you live in a place like this.

Hello Europe, Goodbye Philippines

I am back! I am finally back in Europe since yesterday. Dear HB picked me up in Munich International Airport and he was very happy seeing me once again. I guess he had a great Valentines day too! I was a bit sad about the weather here. It is totally the opposite in the Philippines. I am wishing to be backed in warm PI but I can't. I guess an almost three months vacation is enough. Anyway it is not really a vacation because there are some small projects that I took care of. HB was also happy with the accomplishments that I made there especially some improvements in our house in Cebu province. I am welcoming myself in cold Europe and in freezing Germany in particular. Thanks to all friends who frequently visited my blogs while I was away. I truly appreciate all your time and effort. Thank you very much for all! I will see you soon!

The picture below was taken yesterday in Munich International Airport when the plane I boarded landed. More photos and updates in my other blogs.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Planning a Vacation

I am here again to share some updates. I already posted some entries in my other sites. Don't hesitate to visit them and see more pictures. I would like to share t this time about budget vacation and how to plan for it. Sometimes planning a vacation can be very stressful. When you plan it ahead, I believed you will save some money from doing so. I have been to different cities and countries in the world. I can say that traveling is one of my passion and I truly love it. Since I am jobless, I need to plan ahead for any vacation that I wish to spend. This is especially true and considering about finances, I need to save money first before going for a vacation. This is one of the most important thing to consider.

Another thing we need to consider is trying to find for the possible cheapest vacation. There are some sort of wholesale travel where we can choose for any destination that we wish to visit. One of the sites, I stumbled was Sundance Vacations who offer wholesale travel and discount vacation in any destinations around the world. You will have the chance to visit places that you wish to see. It is still not too late to spend your winter vacation. Whether you want to spend it in sunny Florida or spend a ski vacation in Colorado, don't hesitate to visit Sundance Vacations. I guess I don't need to elaborate more on this because I am running out of time. Feel free to visit their site and find out more of their vacation deals.

I am also sharing a picture above which was taken in Windsor Castle in Windsor England. This was taken during my three weeks vacation in England in 2008. I am happy to be there.One more thing, don't forget to plan your vacation ahead to save time and money.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Venice, Italy

I had been to Venice twice already. The first time was in October 2005 and the second was last April 2006. I love this city too. We had last April 2006 a porcelain shopping in Nova, Italia (Nove, Italy) and then proceeded in Venice. We had some very funny experience there with friends..I guess I don't need to share it here...hope to be back next time in this city.

I am sharing some pictures for you to see...will try to find some pix also from Venice, the first time I went here...have a nice week!!

in front of Facade of the Ducal Palace (Passade des Dogenpalasts)..there are always lots of pigeons can buy some corn bits to feed careful, their coming to you...I had a great time here too!!

at St. Marco Square (St. Mark's Square), Venezia, Italia..
it's autumn as we went's quite cold already!!

Facade of St. Mark's Cathedral...ayan si babae..tayo talaga!!
slowly by slowly my dreams are coming travel and see interesting places..
God is always good!! All the time!!

I am giving a bit infos about Venice, Italy...Once again I always consult my Mentor, Wikipedia..thanks Wiki for all the infos!!

Venice (Italian: Venezia, Venetian: Venezsia) is a city in northern Italy, the capital of region Veneto, and has a population of 271,251 (census estimate January 1, 2004). Together with Padua, the city is included in the Padua-Venice Metropolitan Area (population 1,600,000). Venice has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light". It is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world[1].

The city stretches across 118 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy. The saltwater lagoon stretches along the shoreline between the mouths of the Po (south) and the Piave (north) Rivers. The population estimate of 272,000 inhabitants includes the population of the whole Comune of Venezia; around 62,000 in the historic city of Venice (Centro storico); 176,000 in Terraferma (the Mainland), mostly in the large frazione of Mestre and Marghera; and 31,000 live on other islands in the lagoon. The Venetian Republic was a major maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a very important center of commerce (especially silk, grain and spice trade) and art in the 13th century up to the end of the 17th century.

Friday, February 5, 2010

One More Week!

Another month is here! I am quite busy that I did not notice the passing of time. One more week and I will be going back to Europe. I did talked to dear HB last weekend. He said that it is very cold now in Germany. I am also excited to see the new fireplace that HB installed. This is also the first time that I heard about outdoor fireplaces. I guess this kind of fireplace is very good for balkon and terrace. I wish to give you more update once I am back in Europe. One more week! Have a great weekend!

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