Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Finding Unique Souvenirs Like Jewelry When Travelling

Do you buy souvenirs when you travel? Yes, I always do! Some might be trying to find unique souvenirs when they travel. I remember somebody who went somewhere in Africa just to find a heart shaped diamond as engagement ring for her special someone. Isn't it so sweet and thoughtful? How lucky was my friend when she received it. She was really very happy for that very special present. I know for sure, she can't forget that day when she was engaged.

Finding heart diamonds is quite difficult sometimes but with the help of computer and internet, you can already browse a lot of sites that are legally selling these precious stones. For all we know, diamond has very remarkable characteristics. It has superlative qualities, having the highest hardness to the point that is use for cutting glasses and polishing tools.

I also buy jewelries and accessories sometimes. It depends on my budget when I travel. When I visited Spain with a friend last December 2011, we went to a store in Granada, Andalusia that sells women's accessories like earrings, watches, necklaces, rings, bracelet, armlets, etcetera, I told myself not to buy one. Since the prices are affordable, I ended up buying a lot.

During my visit in Las Vegas, Nevada last 2008, I also ended up shopping for jewelries. For me jewelries are investment especially if you really buy gold, silver or even diamonds. I will see if I can buy again. Yes, I am flying again to Las Vegas next week. I am quite excited about it.

Stores in Istanbul, Turkey during our trip last September 2011.
When I had a short stop-over in Doha, Qatar last 2006, I also went window shopping. Since jewelries are really cheap in this store in Doha Airport, I ended up buying a 22 carat bracelet. When we went to a jewelry store in Istanbul, Turkey last year, the saleslady told me that the bracelet which I bought in Doha costs a thousand Euros now. Imagine I only bought it for around three hundred euros last 2006.

I always find unique souvenirs when I travel. Hopefully in my next travel to a country that sells cheap diamonds, I would love to have a princess diamond cut. For now, I can only afford postcards, fridge magnet, travel books, shot glasses, plates and other souvenirs that are quite cheap.

I will see what I can bring home in my next travel.


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