Friday, January 29, 2010

Visiting Cologne, Germany

Cologne is one of Germany's great metropolitan cities. It is a center of culture and learning as well as industry and commerce. It has also its own dialect called Koelsch. I could still remember as we went here, I spoke some Bayerisch words and a saleslady told me that I came from another state in Germany. I told her that I live in the state of Bavaria (Bayern in German).

We had a tour here last time. Our tour guide explained to us the history of this great city of Germany. That was a memorable sightseeing last year in June...again without some evidence my escapades looks boring...sharing some photos now!!! Enjoy because I am taking a short break to surf about sell merchant account topic!! Tschuss!!

The twin Spires of Cologne Cathedral which is visible far away across the surrounding plain.
lots of people gathered here as it was the Evangelist Church day as we went here.

the famous and historical bridge of Cologne..

that building where you see lots of flags is the Römisch Germanisches Museum
(Roman German Museum). It's me striking a pose. The afternoon we spent in Cologne was very windy. Look at my hair!! wink!

in front of Cologne's glorious Cathedral...there are lots of people here from all over the world just to see, discover and enjoy the place!!


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