Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meeting A Fellow in Regensburg

Good day everyone! I am here again for some updates. I was not feeling good this morning because I had a migraine attack again. Thanks goodness, I am feeling better now. I believed the sudden change of weather in our place is the main cause. Back to my main topic; We visited Regensburg, a World Heritage city in Bavaria, Germany last week. As we were on the tourist information center of the said city, we happened to meet a fellowman. He said that he is not engaged in a healthcare job here in Germany but he is a scholar of a certain institution. To my surprised, he talked a lot about himself including his job in the Philippines and the travel he always made during in the neighboring countries of Germany. I ended up talking to him the recent Europe tour that me and my friend did for almost three weeks this month. He was amazed how we visited a lot of cities and countries in Europe for that span of time. More images to come from our Europe tour next time.


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