Monday, January 3, 2011

Countries To Visit in the Baltic Region

I guess it is time to talk about Europe travel again. I have a lot of dreams and wishes for this year. One of it, is to see and experience more places in Europe. There are still a lot of cities and countries that I wish to visit in this continent and I am hoping to see more this year. I wish to spend a holiday in the Baltic regions when time and money are available. Special thanks to a certain Baltic travel site who gives me the ideas and inspiration to visit this region in Europe.

Here are some of the reasons why I wish to visit these Baltic countries;


It is a country located in the Northern part of Europe and the southernmost of the three Baltic states. It is a member of the European Union and Schengen Agreement which also means that when I travel in this country, I don't need anymore a tourits visa. Its capital and largest city is Vilnius. Spending a holiday in Lithuania seems to be very interesting because it is very rich in culture and history. This country is also famous for its sandy coastline. Its marvelous scenery and landscape are worthy to experience.

The Town Hall Square in in Vilnius,


It is located in Northern Europe and one of the least populous countries in the European Union. Its capital is Talinn which is famous for its Christmas market among the Baltic regions. This country is another fascinating holiday destination in the Baltics. Whether you want to spend a spa break or simply enjoy your holiday in its coastal areas, are only some of the reasons why Estonia is one of the charming states to visit in the Baltics.


Officially known as the Republic of Latvia, it is one of the Baltic countries which also offer something to its guests and visitors. Whether you want to spend a city break in its capital, Riga or maybe spend a holiday in its 531 kilometers costal area, for sure spending a holiday here is quite memorable and delightful. There a lot of museums and historical monuments to see here.

I was informed that the best time to travel here is from June to September.


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