Sunday, August 14, 2011

Foro di Traiano, Trajan's Forum in Rome, Italy

I want to go back to Rome again! I will do that by simply looking at the images I took during my visit last August 2010. That to the help of digital camera and photography where we can always travel back in time.

I believed I have not shared yet about Forum Traiani (Latin name), called in English as Trajan's Forum or Foro di Traiano in Italian. This ancient structure in Rome, Italy was said to be constructed by the architect Apollodorus of Damascus.

It is quite interesting seeing these historical remains in Rome. No wonder, it is called "The Grandeur of Rome". What a truly amazing city!

The Basilica Ulpia lies at the north end of the piazza, which was cobbled with rectangular blocks of white marble and decorated by a large equestrian statue of Trajan. You can also see the Trajan's Column on the left side of the image here.

historical ruins of the Trajan's Forum in Rome, Italy. taken during my visit with a friend named Nonna last August 2010.

This forum was constructed on the order of Emperor Trajan with the spoils of war from the conquest of Dacia, which ended in 106. The Fasti Ostienses states that the Forum was inaugurated in 112, while Trajan's Column was erected and then inaugurated in 113.


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