Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Preparing My Travel Gadgets

I am slowly packing for our incoming trip. Some more days and I will seeing one of the historical countries in Eurasia. I also need to pack my travel gadgets before the end of the week. A few days ago, I was looking for my rechargeable batteries to get it ready. Sad to say, I only found a few ones. I will also be bringing my laptop. I did not bought it in clearance laptops section. That's why it was a bit expensive. Other gadgets that I still need to pack are my cameras, charges, cellphones, cardreader, pens and journals and an extension wire. I am almost ready with packing. For sure, this will be another great trip in Turkey.

Time for me to sign-off. Today is quite a long day but I am very happy and satisfied with it especially after accomplishing a lot of things. Have a lovely evening Europe!


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