Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is There Really a Thing Called Travel for Free?

Is there really a thing called "travel for free"? I visited a site before wherein the author mentioned that at this time there is no such thing called travel for free. I guess I have to deviate with what the author had shared about traveling for free. There are so-called teens volunteer summer programs that are sometimes offering free travel and accommodation. I met last year a friend online who went to Germany and her plane ticket and accommodation were shouldered by her sponsor. She had to stay in this country for three months to help built a museum somewhere in Bavaria, Germany. In return for her free travel, she has to work help build that museum. She told me that during their free weekend, they visited other cities in Germany and the neighboring countries. She even visited her Aunt in Italy that time.

You can also travel for free when you probably win a promotion entitled you for a free vacation. You can also travel for free when a member of your family shoulders your travel expenses. right folks? Just last week, I also visited a site called Vision Service Adventures who provides teen summer program locations. Their site offers international summer program where you can visit other countries for adventure, sightseeing, learning languages, knowing people and their culture or simply have fun. They have interesting program locations such as Alaska, Vietnam, Dominica, Peru, Ecuador and a lot more. This site is quite interesting. I want to browse more in its site later.

If you also notice that I have been to different parts of the globe already. I would say that I sometimes travel for free or partly free. I guess I will reveal my secret soon. Watch it out in the near future! I am also sharing a picture of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, Italy. I have been to this city twice already.


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