Saturday, May 8, 2010

Visit to The Louvre Museum in Paris, France

We are visit again Paris this time. I am showing a picture taken inside Louvre Museum. The Musée du Louvre, also officially called as the Grand Louvre or Great Louvre or simply Louvre Museum is considered to be one of the most largest museum in the world. I believed I am very lucky to visit and see inside of it. It was a dream come true. I thought I can only see it in photographs or movies or even postcards but I was there myself taking pictures. A day or two of visit inside Louvre is not enough if you really want to see everything. I wish I can stay in Paris for a month.

I also want to share a bit travel tip for today. Don't forget to bring with you some medicines when you are traveling. I always have with me my migraine tablet, LBM medicines, my cameras, travel documents like passport and some other more. Off topic also, anyone need eczema treatment out there? You can browse it online or consult your dermatologist.

Lastly, I would like to let you know that Louvre is also one of the world's most visited museum. It is also considered as a historic monument. It is a central landmark of Paris, France and is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (district). Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet). I guess that is all for now. Feel free to browse my categories here for more images from Paris.


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