Sunday, October 24, 2010

Statue in Nuremberg, Germany

I finally had the chance to give you some updates. Let's begin with an image of the statue in the Old City of Nuremberg. I was trying to search online what is the particular name of this statue but it seems that I can't find its exact name. If you have to look closer to this statue these words in German were written on it, "Zerstören das Leben der Tod Lacht Hohn". There is something like a shield in front of it but I can't clearly read it also. It's time for me to apply my acne scar cream. I am still using one until now. This dark statue seems to depict death. I understand most of these words but I can't exactly put it into correct sentence. Zerstören means to destroy, Leben means lives, Tod means death, Lacht means laugh and Hohn is something like derision or mockery. Probably it means this way, "destroy the death of live laughs scornfully ". I will give you more information about this statue once I visit Nuremberg next time.


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