Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sightseeing Around Bavaria

Bavaria, called as Bayern in German, is the largest state of Germany and the second most populous state of this country. It is one of the oldest states of Europe located in the southeast part of Germany.

I presently live in this state and I love it. What I love most is the beautiful scenery and romantic surroundings that you see all over the place.

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We always go for sightseeing around especially during summer time. I am quite happy that I had already seen and exeprience a lot of Bavaria. I am still hoping to see more in the future not only in Bavaria but in whole of Germany. In my own opinion, this country is truly a beautiful place to live in.
This was taken in Bayerischer Wald (Bavarian Forest) during our sightseeing last August 2010. Such lovely scenery and nature around!


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