Friday, November 19, 2010

The Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy

The Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy looks like the Arch of Triumph (Arc de Triomphe) in Paris, France, the Siegestor in Munich, Germany and there are still a lot of structure around the world that looks like this. It was built to commemorate Constantine I's victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge on October 28, 312.

The arch is 21 m high, 25.9 m wide and 7.4 m deep. It has three archways, the central one being 11.5 m high and 6.5 m wide, the lateral archways 7.4 m by 3.4 m each. The top (called attic) is brickwork reveted with marble. A staircase formed in the thickness of the arch is entered from a door at some height from the ground, in the end towards the Palatine Hill.

taken during our trip in Rome, Italy last August 2010


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