Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday Villas to Stay in Spain

I am trying to think what is the date today. My calendar says that we are already on the 28th of December. It simply means that three more sleeps and comes 2011. Some people might be excited for the coming of the New Year. Before I proceed with my topic about villas in Spain, I would like to wish everyone a happy and a more plentiful New Year, full of love, peace, happiness and contentment always.

I believed most of you have a lot of plans for 2011. We are thinking the same. Since last week, I have been scanning the new travel catalogues that were sent to us. I am already trying to find the next cities and countries that I wish to visit in Europe. Included in the list is Spain. Places in Spain such as Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and especially Lanzarote are only some of my wishlist to see. Finding a Holiday rental Lanzarote is not that difficult since I already found a site for this.

Why these Places in Spain?

Lanzarote is considered to be one of the most beautiful islands in Spain. There are amazing beaches in this place , fantastic restaurants to go to like kebap shops and pizza shops, clubs and bars to enjoy at night and activities like parasailing, boat rides or maybe an island hopping to nearby places like Tenerife. It sounds like a very interesting island to see and experience.
Barcelona Finance Center.credit

Barcelona is a global city and the center of finance, commerce, entertainment, international trade and tourism in Spain. It is also a historical city in Spain. Sights and monuments like Sagrada Familia, Arch of Triumph, Gothic Quarter in Catalan are only some of the interesting ones to see here.

Madrid on the other hand is the capital and largest city of Spain. It is the most visited-city in Spain. There are fascinating galleries, museums, churches and other historical monuments and architecture that are worthy to visit and see in Madrid.

Don't forget to browse for a vacation rental or villas in Spain when you are planning to visit this country. Lastly, Good luck for the coming New Year 2011!

The Albertina in Brussels, Belgium

During our visit to Vienna, Austria last June 2007, I also saw a building named Albertina. As we visited Brussels in Belgium last August 2010, we also passed-by to a building that has a nicknamed Albertina. Who is Albertina anyway?

The Royal Library of Belgium whose nickname is Albertina, is considered to be one of the most important cultural institutions in Belgium. It is a library that dates back to the age of the Dukes of Burgundy. It is located in the downtown of Brussels near the Central Station.

The library owns several collections of historical importance, like the famous Fétis archives, and is the depository for all books ever published in Belgium or abroad by Belgian authors.

The library also houses the Center for American Studies, a new institute of higher learning established by the University of Antwerp, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Ghent, and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, which is internationally accredited for delivering Master of Arts degrees in American Studies.

taken with a sony camera model DSC-W110 during our trip to Brussels last August 2010.

The library owns several collections of historical importance, like the famous Fétis archives, and is the depository for all books ever published in Belgium or abroad by Belgian authors.

The library also houses the Center for American Studies, a new institute of higher learning established by the University of Antwerp, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Ghent, and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, which is internationally accredited for delivering Master of Arts degrees in American Studies. credit

Monday, December 27, 2010

Confining in a German Hospital

First of all, I am very thankful that I was never confined to a hospital or clinic here in Germany. It is the place that I like least. That is also the reason why I don't like to study nursing or any caregiving courses before.

Of course, you will see hospital gadgets and equipments when you visit a hospital. These include x-ray machine, ekg machines, stethoscopes, thermometers, endoscopes, video monitors and what else guys? These are only the stuffs that came to my mind right now.

Don't you know that once a member of your family is confined in a German hospital, you cannot sleep over at the hospital or else you need to pay extra for the food and accomodation. I heard that it cost around 40.00 Euros per night if ever you will stay overnight. That is quite expensive!

This image was taken in Burglengenfeld Hospital where hubby was confined due to an operation of his broken ankle caused by bike accident last August 2007.

Christmas Market in Strasbourg, France

The Christkindelsmärik called in French as Marché de Noël in Strasbourg, France is an event held annually from November 24 to December 24, 2010. This event was said to begin since 1570 and considered as one of the oldest Christmas markets. It usually takes place at on Place Kléber, Place Broglie, Place du Marché aux cochons de lait and around the Strasbourg cathedral.

We are one of the 1.5 to 2 millions of visitors who witnessed this event this year. I find Strasbourg a very interesting city. Visiting it for some hours is not enough to see all around the city. I am just happy that I experienced this event once in my life. I believed I will be coming back to Strasbourg in the future.

Here are some images I took during our visit last December 13, 2010.

one of the stalls we visited. this is where the bus driver dropped us as we had a walk in the city.

another stall located near the Strasbourg Cathedral.

you never get hungry when visiting a Christmas market. Stall like this is selling crepes filled with marmelade or nougat.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Celebration Everywhere

How was your Christmas celebration? I hope that it turned out well just like ours. Some people especially the Europeans might spend their Christmas holiday somewhere for a trip in a warm country to avoid the freezing cold winter in Europe. Some might be stranded in any airport or train station because of the bad weather in Europe. That is quite sad. Happy for those who spent their Christmas with their family and friends. I am very thankful that we did had it! For us Filipinos, a karaoke machine is a part for a merrier celebration of any kind. Variety of foods are also prepared. Germans on the other way prepare only simple food. We did had a Schweinebraten (baked pork) with Knoedel (potato dumplings) and different kinds of cookies during Christmas Eve. Glasses of red wine were also served especially during the conversation time. It was again a memorable Christmas celebration!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Market in Birmingham, England

It is still Christmas market fever in Europe. From the different towns and cities in Germany to countries like Switzerland, France, England, Austria, Czech Republic and other European cities that held it, all are worthy to visit.

If I am not mistaken the Christmas markets in Germany will last until the 23rd of December. So hurry up and take time to visit before it is over.

I am also sharing some images from the Christmas market in Birmingham, England. I am happy that I was there with a friend last November 2008. Most traders in Birmingham's Christmas market are from Frankfurt, Germany. It is considered to be one of the largest Christmas market in the United Kingdom. It attracts more than two millions of visitors every year.
the carousel ride at the Christmas Market.

One of the lighted stalls in Birmingham's Christmas Market.
taken during my vacation in England last 2008.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

One evening as the lights on the Christmas tree were turned-on, somebody asked his wife what she would like to have as Christmas present. It seems that someone is still thinking of some romantic gifts for her beloved wife. It seems quite exciting. We will see the next episode guys!

One more week to go and Christmas will be here. Are you ready for your presents for you family, friends and loveones? You still have some days to find special gifts for them. One of the best way I can suggest is to browse online.

I told hubby that I really don't need anything for Christmas. Since he is really insisting to give anything what I want, I told him that we will go to the mall tomorrow to find something that I will like.

Have a wonderful and memorable celebration of Christmas! I hope that we will all remember the true essence of this Yuletide season!

p.s. The image here is our Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Europe Travel in Zurich, Switzerland

I had finally visited Zurich in Switzerland! But first of all I want to thank God for bringing us safe home from our trip to Zurich and Strasbourg, France. It was another memorable and interesting trip.

To begin with some information about Switzerland;
It is not a member of the European Union but a member of Schengen Agreement.
It is located in western Europe.
Just like Belgium, it is a landlocked country where it is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.
Its monetary unit is Swiss franc (Sfr) which is divided in 100 rappen. The banknotes are in 10,20,50,100,200 and 1,000 francs. The coins are in 1,2 and 5 frans as well as 5,10,20 and 50 rappen.

I wish to share more about Switzerland next time.

For now, I wanted to share about Zurich.
It is the capital of the canton of Zurich and is the largest city of Switzerland. It is considered to be a leading global city and among the world's largest financial centers. It is also known to be the wealthiest city in Europe. That is probably the reason why I was amazed how expensive to go shopping in this city.

I was shopping for souvenirs during our visit and I was surprised because the prices are double and even triple compared to the other cities I had visited in Europe. The food are also double the price compared to Germany. So far, it is the most expensive city I visited in Europe.

I guess it is getting late now. I will share more about Zurich in my future post. Here are some of the images I took during our visit last December 12, 2010.

taken at the Christmas market in Zurich. It is an indoor Christmas market located in the train station hall. It is also the biggest indoor Christmas market in Europe and I believed in the whole world also.
The two towers of the Grossmünster Cathedral, the iconic landmark of Zurich.

That building right at the end of the bridge is the Fraumünster abbey of Zürich. It was founded in 853 by Louis the German for his daughter Hildegard. He endowed the Benedictine convent with the lands of Zürich, Uri, and the Albis forest, and granted the convent immunity, placing it under his direct authority.

we had an overnight at the Hilton Zurich Airport. It was quite a nice accommodation.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Autumn Shopping in Stuttgart, Germany

Hello everyone! It seems that I was absent in the blogosphere yesterday. There are just errands that we need to do that's why we are out of town. I am finally back now and will be bringing you to Stuttgart, the capital city of Baden Württemberg in the southern part of Germany. I had a nice sightseeing experience here. Shopping is also great in Stuttgart. I would like to let you know that when you buy electronics and appliances in Germany, there is normally a warranty or guarantee from one to three years. Taking for example the 3 year laptop warranty I have with this new electronic that I bought last October. In fact, the first one being delivered to me did not function and I asked for an immediate replacement and I received a new one.

Lastly I can say that shopping in Stuttgart is quite interesting. There are a lot of shops, boutiques and stores here that sells and offer various products and services of all kinds. A day of sightseeing and shopping in this city is not enough.

p.s. Look whose in the image here!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Italy

This is one of the favorite squares I love in Rome, Italy. Piazza del Popolo commonly known in English as People's Square is one of the largest square in Rome. Historically, it derives from the poplars (populus in Latin, pioppo in Italian) after which the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, in the northeast corner of the piazza, takes its name.

I did remember we had a dinner in one of the cafe restaurants in this square. I ordered a coke that time. After around 15 minutes, the coke still did not arrived. I was done eating and felt very thirsty already. I was quite disappointed with the customer service of that restaurant besides being unfriendly.

I hope to find an image of that restaurant and want to share it here.

the monument from afar are the steps lead from the Piazza del Popolo to the Pincio to the east.

An Egyptian obelisk of Ramesses II from Heliopolis stands in the centre of the Piazza.

The Piazza lies inside the northern gate in the Aurelian Walls, once the Porta Flaminia of ancient Rome, and now called Porta del Popolo. This was the starting point of the Via Flaminia, the road to Ariminum (modern Rimini) and the most important route to the north. At the same time, before the age of railroads, it was the traveller's first view of Rome upon arrival. For centuries, the Piazza del Popolo was a place for public executions, the last of which took place in 1826. wikipedia

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Neumarkt in Upper Palatinate, Germany

It is almost midnight again. I have to slowly sign-off now because I have to wake-up early tomorrow. We will be driving to Neumarkt to to pick-up important papers. After that, we will probably go shopping for winter shoes and kitchen faucet. There is also a Weinachsmarkt or Christmas market being held at the moment in this city. Going around the kiosks and stalls that sells different products might be worth seeing. I was there with some friends last Saturday but we did not stayed so long. I hopoe this time, we have more time for shopping.

The image here is the so-called Rathaus or City Hall of Neumarkt in Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany. Goodnight folks!

View of Westminster Palace from London Eye

I made a random selection from my picture files and the first one that I will be clicking will be featured in this post. Here is Westminster Palace in London, England. It is also called Houses of Parliament or Palace of Westminster. I took this image when I rode London Eye for the first time last November 2008. It was a wonderful experience to be there. The River Thames you also see in the image is the one that flows along London.

sorry folks the image is not so good. My old Samsung camera is not really a good one.

The Palace of Westminster features three main towers. Of these, the largest and tallest is the 98.5-metre (323 ft) Victoria Tower, which occupies the south-western corner of the Palace. Called "King's Tower" at the time, in honour of the then-reigning monarch, William IV, the tower was an integral part of Barry's original design, of which he intended it to be the most memorable element. The architect conceived the great square tower as the keep of a legislative "castle" (echoing his selection of the portcullis as his identifying mark in the planning competition), and used it as the royal entrance to the Palace and as a fireproof repository for the archives of Parliament. The Victoria Tower was re-designed several times, and its height increased progressively; upon its completion in 1858, it was the tallest secular building in the world.
more here

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things to Do in New York

I guess, I will not be tackling about Europe cities this time but I will be talking about one of the famous cities in the United States.

New York is one of the states of the United States and is considered to be one of the populous state. Everytime I think of New York, it always reminds me of its famous sight, the Statue of Liberty. Once you visit this city, don't forget that there are a lot of activities new york which you will find very interesting.

Here are some things you can do when visiting New York:

-Visiting some of its famous sights like the Statue of Liberty, Madison Square Garden, Empire State Building, Central Park and a lot more.
-New York is also famous for its shopping for everything. You can simply find all the things you wanted to shop in New York.
-Entertainment from Broadways to bars, cinemas, dance clubs, comedy clubs are only few on the list.
-Museums and art galleries are also worth visiting.

This image is a replica of the Statue of Liberty found in Las Vegas, Nevada. I took this image during my U.S. vacation last 2008.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy

Let's go travel Europe again. I am not really very sure if I already shared about one of the sights in Rome, Italy called The Spanish Steps. With the name alone,n you will probably imagine that you will see a lot of stairs here. Yes, it is!

It is called in Italian as Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti. These are set of steps located between the Piazza di Spagna at the base and Piazza Trinità dei Monti in Rome, Italy. It is known to be the widest and longest steps in Europe. The church of Trinità dei Monti is located at the end of these steps. The stairway is said to have 138 steps.

I am happy that I had seen and experience this sight of Rome. Here is an image taken during our visit last August 2010.

The stairway of 138 steps was built with French diplomat Étienne Gueffier’s. A lot of tourist can be seen sitting here especially during summer time.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Planning your Indian Odyssey

Did you know that India has over 500 varieties of mangoes? It’s just one reason why a trip to India is worthwhile. India is an enigmatic, vibrant, unique and spiritually rich destination that is home to over one billion people. Because it’s such a multidimensional and intoxicating place it’s likely you’ll shift between loving it and being completely overwhelmed. But it’s a destination that has to be experienced, and throwing yourself into the culture and enjoying all the sights, experiences, tastes, smells and sounds of this country is the best way to get the most out of your holiday.

There’s so much to see in India, and a number of different itineraries and types of holidays you can choose from. Once you’ve booked your airline tickets all that’s left to do is decide which popular Indian destinations you want to visit:

- Delhi. Most trips to India start or end in Delhi. With its crowded and fast paced lifestyle it’s a great way to get immersed in the Indian way of life. Delhi’s attractions include Hamayun’s Tomb and the Red Fort. As India’s number one shopping destination, visitors to Delhi should head to Chandni Chowk (Moonlight Square), a bustling shopping bazaar.

- Goa. Located in South West India, visitors flock to the state of Goa to enjoy its beaches, churches and temples. Ruled by the Portuguese for over 450 years, Goa has a slightly different feel to the rest of the country. If you’re looking for some rest and relaxation after the hustle and bustle of the Indian cities, then Goa can provide a welcome relief from the crowds on a beautiful stretch of coastline.

- Jaipur. Popularly known as the Pink City, Jaipur showcases stunning hilltop forts and palaces from its rich royal past, bargain-filled bazaars, and some of the country’s best hotels. Jaipur is best enjoyed at dusk, and Amber Fort – the state’s ancient citadel – is majestic at twilight.

- Agra. Tourists are drawn to Agra to marvel at India’s most famous sight, the Taj Mahal. It’s a must-see attraction, and the marvellous white marble mausoleum lives up to the hype. The legacy of the Mughal empire has also left a fort and an assortment of interesting tombs and other mausoleums.

- Rishikesh. Marketed as the ‘Yoga Capital of the World’, Rishikesh is very ‘new age’. It’s location on the flowing Ganges River, and at the foothills of rolling forests makes it a setting well suited to spirituality. The generous sprinkling of ashrams and yoga and meditation classes makes it a popular destination for those searching for a spiritual experience. With its laidback vibe, Rishikesh is popular with backpackers and the starting point for those heading off to explore the Himalayas.

- Kerala. The pace slows significantly in Kerala, which is a strip of land between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats. With a pleasant climate, fertile land and relaxed atmosphere, it’s a little piece of calm and serenity in an otherwise chaotic country. It’s also an established spice centre, and well known for its Ayurvedic treatments.

India is sure to awaken your senses and captivate your soul. With a diverse array of destinations, sights and attractions, it’s a country that has something for everyone. When planning your Indian Odyssey, decide which cities and attractions suit your holiday goals and plans. With low living costs and the number of cheap flights to India available, India is an affordable holiday destination. To make sure you get the best flights, book your Indian odyssey early.

Image by: Ruby Benz

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