Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!

One evening as the lights on the Christmas tree were turned-on, somebody asked his wife what she would like to have as Christmas present. It seems that someone is still thinking of some romantic gifts for her beloved wife. It seems quite exciting. We will see the next episode guys!

One more week to go and Christmas will be here. Are you ready for your presents for you family, friends and loveones? You still have some days to find special gifts for them. One of the best way I can suggest is to browse online.

I told hubby that I really don't need anything for Christmas. Since he is really insisting to give anything what I want, I told him that we will go to the mall tomorrow to find something that I will like.

Have a wonderful and memorable celebration of Christmas! I hope that we will all remember the true essence of this Yuletide season!

p.s. The image here is our Christmas tree.


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