Tuesday, December 7, 2010

View of Westminster Palace from London Eye

I made a random selection from my picture files and the first one that I will be clicking will be featured in this post. Here is Westminster Palace in London, England. It is also called Houses of Parliament or Palace of Westminster. I took this image when I rode London Eye for the first time last November 2008. It was a wonderful experience to be there. The River Thames you also see in the image is the one that flows along London.

sorry folks the image is not so good. My old Samsung camera is not really a good one.

The Palace of Westminster features three main towers. Of these, the largest and tallest is the 98.5-metre (323 ft) Victoria Tower, which occupies the south-western corner of the Palace. Called "King's Tower" at the time, in honour of the then-reigning monarch, William IV, the tower was an integral part of Barry's original design, of which he intended it to be the most memorable element. The architect conceived the great square tower as the keep of a legislative "castle" (echoing his selection of the portcullis as his identifying mark in the planning competition), and used it as the royal entrance to the Palace and as a fireproof repository for the archives of Parliament. The Victoria Tower was re-designed several times, and its height increased progressively; upon its completion in 1858, it was the tallest secular building in the world.
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