Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Miss England

Good afternoon guys! I am not quite happy today after what happened to my email account. I wish I can have it back to normal. This is the problem sometimes if your not a computer expert. I hope I can have my email back after messing it.

Anyway, I just miss my trip to England. I once visited this part of the world and I love it. I was even planning to find a job here during my visit but I need to go back home. Hopefully next time, when I am done searching on medical job sites. I am still thinking of going back to school but now there are just things that are confusing me.

Here is an image taken at the Parliament in London, England. You can also see the Big Ben in the background. Happy a lovely week ahead!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chinese Fasching in Dietfurt, Bavaria

Germany is still in its Fasching highlights. Fasching also means carnival. Cologne, Mainz and Düsseldorf are some of the cities in Germany that are very famous for its carnival. There will be Fasching events that will be going on next week especially in the nearby towns and cities.

One of the Fasching events I witnessed in Germany is in Dietfurt. This town is very famous for its Chinese Fasching or carnival. Here are some images I took from this town.

It seems like Halloween in here but Germans almost have the same and they call it Fasching or Fastnacht or simply carnival.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beautiful Kallmuenz in Bavaria

Kallmünz which can be written as Kallmuenz in English, is a municipality in the district of Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany. It is not really a big town but I find it very beautiful being a medieval town. I had visited this town for a lot of times. In fact, we are always passing this town everytime we drive to nearby towns and cities like Regensburg or Burglengenfeld.

Off topic: I hope I don't forget to apply my acne scar treatment. Yes, I am still using one and it is very effective.

If you happen to visit this beautiful town, don't forget to visit its famous attractions, the old stone bridge over Naab river and the ruins of Kallmünz castle. See that castle above the hill? That is the ruins of the castle. I took this image during our visit last 2009.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Euro Travel in Zurich, Switzerland

I want to go back to Zurich, Switzerland through the images I took during our visit last December 2010. Don't you know that Zurich is considered to be the wealthiest city in Europe according to several surveys from 2006-2008. No wonder, you can find here a lot of company headquarters from giant banks to any financial institution.

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and it is also considered as a global city. It is a historical city dating back to 15 BC. No wonder, it is also a very interesting city to visit in Europe.

The Grossmünster (Grossmuenster) in Zurich is a 12th-century Romanesque cathedral found in the heart of the city.

The River Limmat that flows within the city of Zurich. They had a marathon during our visit last December 2010. You can also see the church tower of St Peterskirche (St. Peter's Church). It was built in the 9th century and is the oldest church in Zurich. Its clock face is considered to be the largest in Europe.

Freezing Cold in Germany

Sunshine is almost gone. I should go walking today because we have sunshine. Due to some things that I need to finish, I was not able to do it. Despite the sunny weather sometimes in Germany, it is still very cold outside. I am just happy that we are not experiencing snow at the moment. Besides, I don't really need it now.

During my three-day visit to Berlin last weekend, it was very very cold. It is probably caused by the wind coming from Siberian region. One of my friend who showed and toured me in Berlin got some problem with his lips because it was cracking already due to cold weather. Good to know that he brought with him his lip balm to cure it. Lastly, for those who are looking for best herpes treatment, I am not an expert about it but I would like to suggest that you can find a lot of information online regarding this skin problem. For sure, you will find a lot of helpful information about it. If not, you better consult a dermatologist for proper medication.

I hope that the weather will be friendly soon. I mean, will be getting warmer.

Fasching in Velburg, Bavaria, Germany

It is Fasching time in Germany! Fasching is also called as Fastnacht, Fasnet or Karneval in German depending on the towns or cities where it is celebrated. It is simply called as Carnival or Carnaval in English. There are cities in Germany which are known for its famous Fasching or Carnival. These cities include Cologne (Köln), Mainz and Duesseldorf (Düsseldorf).

Fasching is also celebrated in small towns and municipalities.. I had witnessed some Fasching in Bavaria like in Velburg, Breitenbrunn and Dietfurt.

I have some images below taken during the Fasching parade in Velburg, Bavaria, Germany.

a tractor decorated with balloons and flowers during the Faschingszug (carnival parade) in Velburg. You can see the date embedded when these pictures were taken. I wish to watch this parade again next month.

colourful attires and costumes are worn by partipipants of the Fasching parade.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Garden Restaurant in Kadewe

Are you familiar with the Harrods in London, England? Yes, I am! because a friend of mine brought me there during my trip to England in 2007.

Now, I am talking about the second largest department store in Europe which is located in Berlin, Germany. Kaufhaus des Westens, called in English as Department Store of the West, usually abbreviated to KaDeWe, is a famous department store in Berlin. One of my favorite here is located at the top floor. It is called the Winter Garden Restaurant where I had a lunch. I guess, you need to take the best diet pills when you always eat in this restaurant. The foods are good and in many kinds and varieties. I was overwhelmed when I saw the different recipes of all kinds in this huge restaurant. It simply caught my weakness, food and eating! It was almost full during my visit.

I can't imagine when 40,000 to 50,000 of people visit this department store every day. It is simply because they have everything in here. Don't miss to go in KaDeWe when you visit Berlin. Also prepare for your shopping budget. I am happy with my DKNY leather boots and D&G travel bag from this store. It cost me some fortune but I am quite contented with it.

More images to come in my other sites.

The Reichstag Building in Berlin, Germany

It is good to see other parts of Germany especially its capital city. Berlin is another interesting city to visit in Europe. It is a city full of things to offer to its guests and visitors from historical architectures to renowned universities, museums, orchestras, nightlife, famous personalities, just named it and Berlin has everything!

I am especially sharing one of the famous sites in this city. The Reichstag building is one of the historical sites in Berlin, Germany. It is a home of the Reichstag, the German Parliament. It is said that the construction of the building began after 1871 and it was opened in 1894.

I had seen some of Berlin but a three-day visit is not enough to see everything from going to the museums, churches and cathedrals and other historical sites and architectures. More images and travel experiences to come about Berlin in my Travel and Explore Germany site.

taken during my three-day visit in Berlin from February 18-20, 2011. The Reichstag building taken from the west side.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Europe Spring Trip 2011

I can't wait till spring comes! There will be another adventure coming-in at this time of the year. In fact, I already booked my spring trip last week. I am quite excited about it. Don't you know that booking for last minute hotels and flights can sometimes be of great advantage? You can really get affordable ones when you are lucky enough, like I did.

Here are some places that are included in our itinerary;

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Monaco is microstate located in South Western Europe on the northern central coast of the Mediterranean Sea. By size, it is the second smallest country in the world. It is also the world's second smallest monarchy, rulled by Prince Albert II. Monte Carlo on the other hand is one of Monaco's administrative seat. It is widely known for its casino.

Cinque Terre

It is a rugged portion of coast on the Italian Riviera. The trip itinerary also mentioned that we will be visiting the so-called "The Five Lands" of Cinque Terre named Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, and Riomaggiore. All of these including the coastline and surrounding hillsides are all part of the Cinque Terre National Park and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I can't wait to see the beautiful landscape of Cinque Terre.

San Remo

It is a very popular tourist destination in Italian Riviera. Numerous tourist attractions are open all year-round because of its special weather condition being located near Mediterranean Sea. Many boutiques and local shops are in the town centre and well-equipped sports facilities are also found in this city.

Sad to say, we cannot visit its market held on Tuesday and Saturday mornings in Piazza Eroi Sanremesi. Our visit here will be on April Monday.

Nice and Cannes

These two famous places located in French Riviera region are also included in the itinerary. Cannes is very famous for hosting the Cannes Film Festival annually.

The area of today’s Nice is believed to be among the oldest human settlements in Europe. It was given a nickname, Nice la Belle which means Nice the Beautiful. I believed Nizza or Nice is truly worthy to see.

I will for sure share images once we are done visiting these wonderful places in Europe.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Paris in France

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Paris, commonly known as Sacre -Coeur Basilica is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica. It is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Paris, France. It is also a popular landmark in Paris. It is located on the top of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city.

I took this image during my second visit in Paris with a friend last August 2010.

The construction of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Paris begun in June 16, 1875.

I should use Nikon binoculars to have a better look of this historical building. We just stayed in this square watching the basilica because we don't have much time for going up to the hill for sightseeing. I also read that taking pictures inside the basilica is forbidden.

Kirchweihfest in Lengenfeld

Kirchweihfest is a German festival which is a religious celebration. If you have to get the literal meaning of this word, it consist of three words; Kirche (church), weihen ( to devote or to dedicate) and Fest (festival). It simply means church dedication festival.

One of the Kirchweihfest I witnessed was in Lengenfeld, a small town in Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany. Part of the program was the Festzug or fest parade. Their parade is quite interesting because there were a lot of horses that also participated it. The horses were decorated with beautiful and colorful ornaments. I guess it is called a horse tack like what you see in the image here.

I also love the Kirchweihfest in Lengenfeld because one of hubby's relative is always inviting us for coffee time and I can taste the different delicious German cakes and pastries. I already witnessed this church celebration twice in this small town.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Euro Travel to the Royal Palace of Brussels in Belgium

I am reminiscing again my travel to Brussels, the capital city of Belgium. One of the sights we visited was the Royal Palace of Brussels. It is located in front of Brussels Park which I also remembered that we took some time here to sit down and take a short break after some sightseeings we made in Brussels.

We were at Brussels park when I took this image. The Royal Palace of Brussels is just accross the Brussels Park. This was taken during our visit last August 2010.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Want to Print My Travel Pictures

I received a call from a friend last week asking me where do I develop or print my travel pictures. I told her that its been a long time now since I did not print any photos from my trips. As far as I can remember, the last time I had it printed was in September 2009. I also can't print it at home because I need new ink cartridges for our two printers. I hope I can have the time to print some of my travel images from late 2009 up to this time. I believed, it will cost me a little fortune. Actually, I have an idea. I will print some from time to time, not in one time. Am I confusing? I hope not. I am just happy everytime I browse the pictures from my previous travel especially in Europe. If your my friend in Facebook, you might be able to view some. Enjoy the coming weekend!

My Euro Travel in Heidelberg Castle, Germany

Let's go travel Europe again! This time we will be visiting Germany and I will be featuring the city of Heidelberg. For me, it is one of the most beautiful cities I visited in Germany. Visiting Heidelberg without going to its castle seems not complete. You know why? The ruins of Heidelberg Castle rank with the Acropolis of Athens and the Palace of Versailles among the sights worth seeing in Europe. Thanks to the travel book that I previously read about Heidelberg.

Actually, you can take a walk to the castle along the so-called Philosopher's Way which may only take from 10 to 15 minutes depending on your walk. We took the so-called Bergbahn, a modernized funicular during our visit. I actually forgot now how much we paid for that ride back and forth. If I am not mistaken around 5.00 Euros.

I have some pictures here taken during my visit with friends last November 2010.

The west side of Heidelberg Castle.

View from Stück-garden upon the ruins of the Rondells, the Heidelberg Old Town and Old Bridge. You can also see the tower of the Church of the Holy Spirit.

the entrance to the castle.

The earliest castle structure was built before AD 1214 and later expanded into 2 castles circa 1294; however, in 1537, a lightning-bolt destroyed the upper castle. The present structures had been expanded by 1650, before damage by later wars and fires. In 1764, another lightning-bolt destroyed some rebuilt sections.

Living in Europe

I heard from some friends in the United States that living in Europe is quite expensive. That is true especially if you don't know where to find cheaper things. Actually, there are really cities and countries here that are very expensive. Probably because of the high standard of living. Taking for example in the big cities of Germany like Munich, Stuttgart and Berlin. Living in these areas is quite expensive. In Germany, health insurance is also a must. Unlike in the U.S. where you can buy private health insurances like Blue Cross NC. It is also an advantage when one has a health insurance because in times of emergencies, you don't need to worry that much about hospital bills and medicines. We are glad we have one.

Lastly, I love living in Europe. There are a lot of beautiful and historical sights here that are worthy to visit and see. I guess, I am lucky to live in this part of the world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, Austria

It is more than three years now since I had a trip in Vienna, Austria with a friend. It was actually an adventure which is full of excitement. One of the sights we visited in Vienna is the St. Stephen Cathedral. It is one of the city's most recognizable symbols and is really worth to visit.

taken last June 2007 during our trip in Vienna, Austria.

The church was dedicated to St. Stephen, who was also the patron of the bishop's cathedral in Passau, and so was oriented toward the sunrise on his feast day of 26 December, as the position stood in the year that construction began. Built of limestone, the cathedral is 107 meters (350 ft) long, 40 meters (131 ft) wide, and 136 meters (445 ft) tall at its highest point. Over the centuries, soot and other forms of air pollution accumulating on the church have given it a black color, but recent restoration projects have again returned the building to its original white. wikipedia.

Credit Card for Traveling

If you are a frequent traveler, I agree that you need to have a credit card everytime you travel. This is true especially in times of emergency. If you wish to apply for a credit card, you need to comply with some requirements like you salary print-outs, valid ID cards and any papers that a credit card company might ask or require from you. I heard a friend from the United States that you cannot rent a car if you don't have a credit card. They don't accept cash for that. It is quite an irony but it is true.

I was forced to apply for a credit card because I use it during travel emergencies. I need it sometimes when I also book airline tickets online. I seldom use it anyway. Besides, the credit limit is also very low. A three digit credit limit is better for a jobless like me. I was even surprised when my credit card was approved last year without asking for any salary print-outs. I guess that is sometimes the advantage of having a European citizenship.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Euro Travel in Warwick Castle in England

What do you see when you are visiting Europe? I believed you are expecting a lot of old and historical sights, monuments, buildings, architecture and etcetera! Yes, that is true. Some might not like it but I do and will always love it. In fact, I would love to see and experience all of Europe. I keep trying and need to save a lot to do it.

I am sharing some snapshots I made during our visit to the medieval in Warwick. I am so happy seeing this castle last November 2008.

Warwick Castle a medieval castle in Warwick, the county town of Warwickshire, England. It sits on a bend on the River Avon. If I am not mistaken the castle's construction began in 1068.

The interior of Warwick Castle as viewed from Ethelfleda's Mound during our visit last November 2008.

The walls and towers of Warwick Castle. I was playing with my camera before and had this image. I guess this is a sepia color. I love visiting castles in Europe.
This image reminds me that I spent the Halloween in Warwick Castle last November 2008. I had a pose with the white lady in the castle.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Call From Ramstein-Miesenbach

I guess, Ramstein Miesenbach is not new especially to American soldiers who were and are currently station here. Ramstein-Miesenbach is a municipality in the district of Kaiserslautern in Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. Ramstein Air Base is also home to the United States Air Force (USAF) base in the German state of Rheinland-Pfalz.

I just received a call from a very good friend from this place. I am happy to hear from her again especially from her baby boy. She just gave birth last December 2010. I agree that topic on cures for stretch marks is one of her concerns. We did talked a lot especially on travels in Europe. She said that traveling is now quite difficult for here because of her newly born baby. She wishes to go to Budapest but her time is quite difficult now. She was also asking when we can visit them again. I hope this coming summer season. Thanks for the call my dear friend, Liway. I am so happy for you and your family.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Euro Travel in Amsterdam, Netherlands

I am only sharing some travel snapshots from Amsterdam, Netherlands. I already shared some before, if not here, for sure in my other sites.

one of the narrow streets in Amsterdam city. I am not sure now if I took this image in the red light district of Amsterdam.

The Dam is a town square in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Its notable buildings and frequent events make it one of the most well-known and important locations in the city.

that blue colored house is one of the boat houses in Amsterdam. I took this image during our cruise on its canals.

Amsterdam is part of the province of North-Holland and is located in the west of the Netherlands next to the provinces of Utrecht and Flevoland. The river Amstel terminates in the city centre and connects to a large number of canals that eventually terminate in the IJ. Amsterdam is situated 2 metres above sea level.

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