Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fasching in Velburg, Bavaria, Germany

It is Fasching time in Germany! Fasching is also called as Fastnacht, Fasnet or Karneval in German depending on the towns or cities where it is celebrated. It is simply called as Carnival or Carnaval in English. There are cities in Germany which are known for its famous Fasching or Carnival. These cities include Cologne (Köln), Mainz and Duesseldorf (Düsseldorf).

Fasching is also celebrated in small towns and municipalities.. I had witnessed some Fasching in Bavaria like in Velburg, Breitenbrunn and Dietfurt.

I have some images below taken during the Fasching parade in Velburg, Bavaria, Germany.

a tractor decorated with balloons and flowers during the Faschingszug (carnival parade) in Velburg. You can see the date embedded when these pictures were taken. I wish to watch this parade again next month.

colourful attires and costumes are worn by partipipants of the Fasching parade.


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