Monday, November 7, 2011

8 Years Anniversary in Europe

This year marks my 8 years of living as a Pinay expat in Europe. I can't imagine that time is really passing-by very quickly. Last month was also the celebration of our 8th years wedding anniversary. So far life has been good to us. I can't thank enough for having a simple but good life in Europe. Sometimes there are trials coming our way but we always find solutions to it.

I did not ask anything for our 8th wedding anniversary. I have everything what I need in life. I know some of you are giving gift baskets for your anniversary. Why not besides it is also a wonderful present. Probably in our 10th anniversary, I will already demand something from hubby. Just kidding folks. Have a lovely Monday!

For those couples who are celebrating their wedding anniversaries around the globe this month, have a blessed and wonderful one! Here are some tulips fro you.


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