Saturday, November 5, 2011

Europe Travel in San Remo, Italy

Almost seven months had past since I stepped on this city. It is located on the Mediterranean coast of western Liguria in north-western Italy. San Remo is indeed a famous tourist destination in Italian Riviera considering its location and for hosting numerous cultural events.

Our sightseeing in this city is not too long. I guess around three hours only. One thing I cannot forgot here was our lunch in one of the local Italian restaurants. I love the seafoods that I ordered in that restaurant. I am trying to find if I took some photos from the foods that I ordered. All the drinks were also included plus two bottles of wine. If you want you can drink all the 2 bottles but I know for sure if you are not a hard drinker, you will surely get tipsy like what happened to my friend. If I am not mistaken we paid 15.00 Euros each. It was worth the price because the foods were very delicious. I can't remember the name of that restaurant.

Our tour guide showed us some of the main sights in San Remo including the Villa Nobel. It is the house of Alfred Nobel where he lived the last year of his life. The building can be visited with a guided tour but since we don't have much time to go there, we just passed-by along the house.

After our short sightseeing in San Remo, we proceeded to Menton and spent the rest of the afternoon there. More updates to come soon!

the shopping center in San Remo during our visit last April 2011.

You can always see clothesline on the windows..This is how they are drying their clothes. Why not, in fact it is one way of taking care of Mother Nature instead of using a dryer.

a bakery and cafeteria in San Remo, a lovely place along the Mediterranean coast.


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