Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snowing in Winter Wonderland

It was snowing again this afternoon. It did snowed last Saturday but everything melted last Sunday. I know some are happy when the snow falls down but some are not especially for those who need to wake-up early in the morning to drive to their workplace. Sometimes it is very dangerous when the roads get icy and slippery. Better be careful when driving.

For me is not a problem because I am a stay at home person. When there are no appointments or no need to go somewhere I just stay at home all the time. When the snow lies outside, I want to know the temperature too. That is the reason why I need one of those outdoor thermometers that I can place outside our door. I want to know how cold it is. I am quite sure that the snow won't melt when the temperature is below zub-zero. I love watching the white surroundings during snow time but when it is very cold outside I rather stay inside our home. At least one of my dreams come true...to experience a snowy winter wonderland.

I always love passing this road in our place in Bavaria, Germany especially when it is snowing. Isn't it like in a fantasyland?


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