Saturday, January 7, 2012

The South Gate of the Agora in Ephesus, Turkey

If you are planning to visit Turkey, you might want to include the ancient Greek city of Ephesus in your itinerary. This is one of the very interesting and historical sights in Turkey. The ruins of Ephesus are a favorite international and local tourist attraction. I had never seen such ruins as big as Ephesus.

One of the impressing historical sights there is the south gate of the Agora which is also known as the gate of Mazeus and Mythridates. They were the ones who erected this gate for their emperor, Augustus, who gave them their freedom. It is located near the Library of Celsus.

Today's archaeological site lies 3 kilometers southwest of the town of Selçuk, in the Selçuk district of İzmir Province, Turkey.

taken during our 10-days vacation in Turkey last September 2011.

At the right side of this gate, you can find the information that says below,

"The richly ornamented gate was financed by the imperial freedmen Mazaeus and Mithridates in 2 B.C. The refined articulation of the southern facade with alternating projecting and re-entrant elements, as well as the use of arches and beams, was repeated in the original side wings of the building. Statues of the imperial family stood on the inscribed attic zone. The unadorned northern side was connected to the Agora Hall. The re-erection of the gate (1982-1988) was made possible by Anton Kallinger-Prskawetz."


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