Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sidetrips To Do While in Madrid

I am quite busy during the past weeks looking for cheap international flights not only in Europe but also to other destinations including the United States of America and Canada. The first one I booked some weeks ago is my flight to Spain next month. Yes, I finally had my ticket confirmation. It will be a long stay in Spain and I will be staying most of the time in Madrid. Due to this, I am currently planning some sidetrips when I am in Spain's capital city. I can't imagine myself staying for 6 long weeks in Spain.

These are some of the places I would love to include in my sidetrip itinerary.

Avila- This city is very famous for great and beautifully preserved medieval city walls. It also has numerous churches with romanesque and gothic architecture. Its stunning Gothic Cathedral with its unusual military air is also one of the city's famous monuments. Avila is located in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon in Spain.

I am planning to take a cheap train from Madrid-Chamartin station going to Avila.

Toledo- For me, this is a very beautiful city. I was there twice last year and I will try my best to visit it again when I will be in Madrid next month. This city which is located above Tagus River is truly a must-to-see when you are in Spain especially when you are in Madrid. Due to its monumental and cultural heritage, Toledo is listed in UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1986.

the beautiful setting of Toledo above the Tagus River. This was taken during our trip there last Dec. 2011.

Some of the reasons why I want to go back there again is to go inside its museums and to taste again its delicious Mazapan. I love the mazapan at Confiteria Santo Tome. It is quite expensive but its worth the price. There are just a lot to see and to experience in this city especially its historical architecture and monuments.

From Madrid, there are buses available for transportation. Taking the renfe trains is also possible.

Segovia-Another splendid and lovely city perched up on a rock in the autonomous community of Castile and Leon. Also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Segovia is famous for its aqueduct. It is located within the Iberian Peninsula, near Valladolid and Madrid. I would to see there the Alcazar, the Aqueduct, Segovia's Cathedral, the Casa de los Picos and other interesting sights in this city.

San Lorenzo de El Escorial- This is not so far from Madrid and I can surely make a day trip there. Its main attraction is the the world famous Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. It is one of the main Spanish Renaissance monuments and also listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I am also planning to visit Barcelona and Lisbon in Portugal. When I was browsing the internet today, I found some cheap flights in Easyjet from Madrid to Lisbon. I am actually thinking of booking it anytime soon. I need to finalize all my trips before the end of this month and I hope to have a wonderful time again in Spain.


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