Sunday, March 4, 2012

Countdown to Spain

Thanks God that my migraine is over now. Still not 100% okey but I am glad that I am feeling better now compared to yesterday. I guess my migraine attack was caused by the drastic change of weather.

Back to main topic..I am also starting my countdown to Spain. Six more sleeps and I will be flying to Spain soon. Of course I am quite excited about this trip. I guess I have more time to experience more of the culture and tradition of the Spaniards. It will be a 6-weeks stay and I will be staying most of the time in Madrid. I am also planning to do some side trips in the nearby towns and cities near the capital city.

I am also happy to share about the progress of my diet plan. I actually started it last weekend. I found out that I already lose almost 2 kilos. If you want to know more on how to lose weight, feel free to click here. I hope I can continue this diet plan when I am in Spain. I love Spanish foods. I tasted some during our trip there last December 2011.

Here is a snapshot of one of my favorite, some anchovies with lemon. I love it.


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