Saturday, March 26, 2011

Car Insurance in Europe

Driving a car in Europe without an insurance is a mortal sin. It is always required by law to have an insurance for your car. As we bought a new car last January, one of the requirements to get the registration is a confirmation that you bought first an insurance for it. What we did was, we went to the bank and asked a certification that we will be buying our car insurance from them. The insurance agent from the bank gave us a certain Code and we proceeded with the registration.

Nowadays, you can already browse for cheap insurances online. The insurance from our other car was bought online and it is cheaper compared to an agent. Insurance sites like are offering the same services. We decided that after a year contract with our car insurance we will buy it online so that it is cheaper. I asked before our insurance agent why buying insurances online is cheaper compared to buying from them. He told me, it is because of their personal service. Now I know!


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