Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gadgets I Bring With Me When I Travel

Aside from the personal things I bring with me when I travel, I always make it sure that I also packed my important travel gadgets. Without these stuffs, I don't find my trip complete and memorable. These are only some of the travel tips I want to share today. Of course, you can find a lot of travel guides online and in travel books as well.

Digital Camera

This is one of the gadgets that I always have with me when I go out of the house. How much more when I travel to a new place. I always want to have some documents and evidences that I visited a certain city or country. Taking travel photographs and images is one of them. Besides, it is always nice to look back to these places we visited through the pictures we took during our travel.

a street in Strasbourg, France and the Strasbourg Cathedral in the background. Taken during our Christmas Holiday last 2010.


Anywhere I go this gadget is always in my shoulder bag. I even bring with me two cellphones sometimes. The other one is with camera and the other is just a normal cellphone. We never know when emergencies happen. It is always an advantage when we can call our friends or members of the family about the said emergency.

Pens and A Notebook

I once remember a friend who asked me if I am still a student. She found some highlighters, a marker, ballpoint pens and a small notebook inside my bag. I also have an address book with emergency phone numbers in my shoulder bag.

Netbook or Laptop

Most hotels are having wireless internet connection now. In some hotels, it is even free of use. You can obtain the Username and password at the hotel reception. I can also check my emails and update my travel blogs while I am on a trip because I always bring with me my netbook. I can also watch on a bigger screen the snapshots that I took during my trip. I love this gadget!

Lastly, don't forget to bring cash and your debit and credit cards. There are these so-called FX Currency cards where you can withdraw money anywhere around the globe and in any currency. Don't also forget to pack your battery charger, cellphone charger, electrical converter and adapter plugs. Lake a list if possible so that you won't forget any important travel gadgets.


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