Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Places to Visit for an Adventure Trip

There are a lot of interesting places to visit around the world. Whether you want to spend your vacation in any way such as in a cruise ship, relaxing at the beach, enjoying a night life in the city, sightseeing with a tour guide or simply going for an adventure trip , for sure it is always a wonderful experience.

Here are some of the places I can recommend for an adventure trip.

The Himalayas

This is one of the world's most favourite destination especially for adventurers, mountain climbers, trekkers and nature lovers. The Himalayan mountains is the planet's highest. The world's highest peaks, Mount Everest and K2 mountains are located here. No wonder, this place is always included in the list of an adventurer.

Some people might be expecting that no luxury can be experienced in Himalayas. Thanks to the travel experts from Shakti Himalaya for sharing a lot of travel tips and information about this region.

Cape Town

I was asking before where can I find Kapstadt because I always see it in German travel catalouges. I am happy to know that it is actually Cape Town in English. This city is located in South Africa and it is also its second most populous city. No wonder, it is considered to be one of the multicultural cities in the world.

Visiting Cape Town will never be boring. There are a lot of adventure tours and activities to do here. The travel professionals from Cape Portfolios will assist and help you in all your adventure tours and activities in Cape Town. Whether you want to experience paragliding, whale watching, shark cage diving, sailing, surfing, kayaking and most every adventure and activities you want, you are always welcome to ask for their services.

Oslo, Norway

There are a lot of fine cities and towns to see in Norway. It is a mountainous country which is perfect for adventurers. Of course, there are also flat lands here like Toten, Ørland and Jæren. I am especially mentioning Oslo, its capital and largest city. Some adventure trips to the mountains like hiking, cycling or simply a walk on the mountain top is already a great experience of seeing the beauty of nature around.


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