Friday, March 5, 2010

My Euro Travel in Paris, France

Weekend is almost here again. I am still not on the mood for weekend escapades because the weather is still very cold. Let's go and visit this time the so-called "City of Lights" which is Paris in France. The picture above was taken right in front of the entrance of Louvre Museum. Last night, I read a travel book and one traveler shared that every time he travels, he always buy collectible pens. That is quite interesting. If he have that hobby, I also have my own. I always collect postcards, fridge magnets, key holders and books about the place. If I forgot it, I don't have to worry because I can surf it at Amazon books. I just remember that it is almost a year now since our visit in Paris. During that visit, I bought a lot of postcards, key holders, fridge magnet and two travel books. That was a very interesting trip and I still want to go back there.


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