Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stop-Over in Doha, Qatar

Good evening folks! I can't sleep so quick so I decided to write some posts in my blogs. The picture you see below was taken during my stop-over in Doha, Qatar last November 2009. This was taken in Soq Waqif, souf which literally mean "standing market". I met some good friends over and they took me to this place. This market is known to be a shopping destination in Doha. Different shops here are selling traditional garments, spices, souvenirs and handicrafts. It is also considered to be one of the top sights and tourist destination in the capital city of Qatar.

Thanks for my dear friend and former co-employee, Jinky and hubby for taking sometime to tour me here and for the wonderful dinner we had.
Lately Souq Waqif became a hotspot for art galleries and workshops, hosting several art galleries and events. It also hosts local concerts during the holiday seasons.....that's me over there!


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