Friday, September 17, 2010

Dine-Out in Bonn, Germany

There is a story why we landed in Bonn, Germany. As we were on our way from Brussels to Cologne last August 20, 2010, we cannot find a cheaper hotel for overnight. The nearest hotel in Cologne train station named Ibis was so expensive that time because there was a so-called Messe, a kind of gathering that was going on. Imagine the cost of the double room was doubled to 198.00 Euros. It was too much.

To make the story short we had an overnight in Bonn, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. After taking some rest in our hotel that afternoon, we decided to find a restaurant in the city. I believed I need dietary supplements for weight loss if I will eat everyday what we had eaten in that Chinese restaurant in Bonn. The food were good and the service is great. The Chinese guy even helped us where to go for the main sights in Bonn. Here is one of the foods we ordered in Nan King restaurant in Bonn. I forgot now how it is called.


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