Thursday, September 16, 2010

Piazza del Popolo in Rome, Italy

I want to share more images taken during our Europe tour last month but I just don´t find enough time to do it. Please be patient for now because I will slowly share some snapshots from our travel. Let´s go back to Rome this time. I already posted some images last month and now I am sharing another one again. This is one of the famous square in Rome, the Piazza del Popolo.

Piazza del Popolo is a large square in Rome, Italy. The name in modern Italian literally means "People's Square", but historically it derives from the poplars (populus in Latin, pioppo in Italian) after which the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, in the northeast corner of the piazza, takes its name.

The Piazza lies inside the northern gate in the Aurelian Walls, once the Porta Flaminia of ancient Rome, and now called Porta del Popolo. This was the starting point of the Via Flaminia, the road to Ariminum (modern Rimini) and the most important route to the north. At the same time, before the age of railroads, it was the traveller's first view of Rome upon arrival. For centuries, the Piazza del Popolo was a place for public executions, the last of which took place in 1826. more infos here

Here is an image I personally took during our visit in Rome last August 2010.

An Egyptian obelisk of Ramesses II from Heliopolis stands in the centre of the Piazza.


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