Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Siegestor

The Siegestor in Munich, also known as Victory Gate in English is a monument which has a three-arched triumphal arch crowned with a statue of Bavaria with a lion-quadriga. If you have been to Rome, Italy, you will see that it is almost the same structure with the Arch of Constantine and in Paris, it is similar to the The Arch of Triumph.

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This Victory Gate was originally dedicated to the glory of Bavarian army during the time of King Ludwig I of Bavaria. It is also a symbol and a reminder of peace. It is 21 meters high, 24 meters wide, and 12 meters deep. I will share next time an image of the Arch of Constantine in Rome taken during our Europe tour last August 2010. I guess, I already share some images of the Arch of Triumph here. See you next time again.


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