Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lebkuchen Herzen in Regensburger Herbsdult

If you happened to visit a German festival like Oktoberfest, Herbstdult, Volksfest and any other form of fairs in Germany, for sure, you had already seen a so-called Lebkuchen Herzen. Lebkuchen is normally a traditional German biscuit baked especially during Christmas. I remembered during my first three years in Germany when hubby always baked some Lebkuchen and other German cakes and biscuits before Christmas comes.

Four years ago, I told him to stop baking those stuffs or else, I need earlier to look for diet supplement reviews. I believed I really need one right now. I always wanted to lose weight the past months. Since I live in Germany, I already gained around 15 kilos which is too much for me. Now I realized that I really need to start losing weight.

Lastly, for more information about Lebkuchen, its is somewhat called as gingerbread in English. The one you see in my image here is a non-traditional decorated Lebkuchen Herzen or Gingerbread hearts. These are the ones that you see in Oktoberfest and any other festivals in Germany. I took this image during our visit to the Regensburger Herbstdult the other weekend.


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